Has your country had a female leader? Are female leaders different from male ones? How?
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There are not as many female leaders as you might expect. We have still much more male leaders than female ones. We recognize that there is wrong with this unbalance of gender in leadership and have tried to improve this issue. Weve come a long way about it, but not as much as we have expected. We still have a long way to go about it. I attributed this unfairness to our long-standing perspective which must have formed under the Confucianism. I dont think that female is inferior to male per se. Moreover, I know many women who have done their best at work as well as at home. But In addition to our perverted view for women, circumstances where we raise children might have pushed many women out of work. If one couple is asked who is in charge of raising a child without appropriate support, woman would choose a child and leave her work for good because it is almost impossible to get back to her career after some years of raising a child.