ȸ ÷ֽ ۹The role of the government is important for the health of Koreans.
>> The government should perform its role for the health of Koreans.
1. The government should strengthen education on healthy eating habits, regular exercise, stress management, and more
>> 1. The government should strengthen education on healthy eating habits, regular exercise, stress management, and more.
2. The government must strengthen regulations and support to produce and provide healthy food to the food industry and the restaurant industry
> 2. The government must strengthen regulations and support to produce and provide healthy food to the food industry and the restaurant industry.3. Health insurance is an important system to protect people's health. We need to come up with support measures for people who have difficulty paying insurance premiums, and ensure programs focused on prevention and management
>> 3. Health insurance is an important system to protect people's health. We need to come up with support measures for people who have difficulty paying insurance premiums and ensure programs focused on prevention and management.4. The distribution of medical facilities should be adjusted and supported to address the shortage and imbalance of medical facilities by region
>> 4. The distribution of medical facilities should be adjusted and supported to address the shortage and imbalance of medical facilities by region.