ȸ ÷ֽ ۹A) Collectors have the potential to become an expert in one area.
And sometimes after a while, the value of the collected items rises and benefits economically.
>>>Sometimes, over time, the value of collected items increases, providing economic benefits.
But above all, it seems to be self-satisfaction.
>>>Above all, it appears to bring personal satisfaction.
A) Both of them have something in common that they collect something.
>>>Both collectors and hoarders have in common that they gather or accumulate items.
However, the collector's motives are pure, but hoarding is not.
>>>However, collectors usually have a purposeful or pure motive, while hoarding tends to lack this.
As a result, collectors do not harm others, but hoarders damages others.
>>>As a result, collectors typically do not harm others, while hoarders can cause harm to themselves or others.