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Q: What will you do if a friend borrowed 500 dollars from you and forgot to pay you back on time? A: First , Tell friend to pay you back. If apologize and pay me back keep friendship. But if being brazen get the money and end friendship.
Yeong Min,
Dealing with friends who borrow money and then forget or fail to pay it back can be uncomfortable. Handling financial matters with friends can be sensitive, so approach the situation with empathy and clarity to find a resolution that works for both parties.
I hope you'll not be in this kind of situation.
T. Aki~

 First , Tell friend to pay you back. If apologize and pay me back keep friendship.
>>>   First, I will tell my friend to pay me back. If she apologizes and pays me back then I keep our friendship.

But if being brazen get the money and end friendship.
>>> But if my friend is brazen then I'll get the money back and end our relationship.