ȸ ÷ֽ ۹First, reduce unnecessary spending.
It's one of the best ways to rasie money effectively.
>> It's one of the best ways to raise money
The way can help you understand your spending patterns
and save money, killing two birds with one stone.
>> This way can help you understand your spending
patterns and save money, killing two birds with one stone.
In my case, I have reduced the number of times I drink
This is because no matter how cheap an ice americano I
drink, it costs quite a lot of money if there are multiple times.
By reducing the number of coffees, I'm saving money and
taking care of my health.
Second, except for fixed, I save the remaing amount in my
>> Second, except for the fixed, I saved the remaining
amount in my account.
However, you may use money in an emergency situation, so
you need to consider save enough money.
Third, I sign up for a installment savings.
>> Third, I signed up for installment savings.
It's a habit I've been doing since I was working.
It's a pretty big expenditure, but when it expires, it
can come back to me with a lot of money.
But, in Korea, interest rates and initial costs vary from
bank to bank, so it's recommended to compare and choose a profitable
installment savings package.