ȸ ÷ֽ ۹QUESTIONS: I can save money through methods like using a coin bank such as a piggy bank, as well as through bank accounts and wallets. —> Can I use s behind coin bank such as bank accounts or wallets? >> Yes, but it's still depends on your sentence. [page 28] Saving some of your poker money in a piggy bank or in a real bank is a good thing. —> Why should I use of behind some? >> You might include "of" to indicate possession or relationship. But only the things that you need and save the extra coins and bills. —> I dont understand this sentence structure well. What is verb in this entire sentence? >> But only spend on the things you need and save the extra coins and bills. HOMEWORK How can you show your love for your country? —> I can show my love for my country through liking my countrys food and clothes and enjoying my countrys culture. >> CORRECT |