ȸ ÷ֽ ۹I am interested in a carpenter.
- I am interested in carpenters.
When I am watching woodworking on YouTube, I can relax.
I know it's harder than it looks.
And, I don't have good manual dexterity.
- And I don't have good manual dexterity.
If I try many times, I am sure that I will get used it.
- If I try it many times, I am sure that I will get used to it.
I hate working without progress.
When I do an interminable task, I am going to be crazy.
When I start tasks, I should know that the goal of the tasks, and what can I get from the tasks.
- When I start tasks, I should know the goal of the tasks and what I can get from them.
If it's impossible, I never start it.