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fast food

작성자: 한*원
2025-01-14 649

회원님의 영작문

I think the problem of fast food is that it transforms food. People argue about whether vegetables or meats are healthy, but I believe that if we eat food in its original form, everything can be good for health.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Good morning MS. Rachel~!^^ I hope you'll have a good time today. Thank you for doing your essay every time. I know that you are always eager to improve yourself. Always be motivated! Have a good one~
I think the problem of fast food is that it transforms food. 
OR>>I believe the problem with fast food is that it alters the natural composition of food.
People argue about whether vegetables or meat are healthy, but I believe that if we eat food in its original form, everything can be good for health.
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