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남겨주신 이메일을 통해 답변 드리겠습니다.

문의하신 내용이 문자로 발송되오니
연락처를 남겨주세요.
업무시간 월~금 오전9시~오후6시
(점심시간 낮12시~오후1시)

영작교정 게시판

영어 말하기와 쓰기를 동시에 잡는다!

자신 있게 쓸 수 있는 영작문을 위해 파워잉글리쉬 수업을 수강하시는
회원님들께 무료로 제공해드리는 부가 서비스로, 전문 분야를 제외한 자유 주제
또는 강사님이 내주시는 과제를 회원님께서 영어로 작성해주시면,
담당 강사 님께서 ‘문법 오류 교정’ 과 ‘더 나은 영어식 표현’으로 교정해주는
서비스 입니다.

Please change difficult words to easy words and correct them so that IELTS Speaking 6.5 or higher sc

작성자: 이*인
2025-01-06 832

회원님의 영작문

I enjoyed the teacher's correction last time. However, I prepared the answers on purpose by tying them together because there were so many answers, but I hope you don't change the state in which you tied the questions and made the answers and correct them. If you do it separately, it's hard because there's too much to memorize.

When was the last time you went to a street market?
Do you prefer to go shopping in the shopping mall or on the street market?
à I last went to a street market last weekend to buy fruits and street food. I prefer malls for convenience, but street markets are more fun for unique finds.

How has your mobile phone changed your life?
Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls?
à My mobile phone has made my life more convenient by helping me stay connected and manage tasks easily. I mostly use it for texting, but I also make calls when necessary.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, Young In. Thanks for letting me know about this. We'll do that if it helps you better. Please check the improvements made below. ^^
~T. Jenna

When was the last time you went to a street market?
Do you prefer to go shopping in the shopping mall or on the street market?
I last went to a street market last weekend to buy fruits and street food. I prefer malls for convenience, but street markets are more fun for unique finds.
>>The last time I went to a street market was last weekend, where I bought some fresh fruits and enjoyed street food. While I generally prefer malls for their convenience, I find street markets more exciting. They provide a chance to discover one-of-a-kind items that aren't available in typical shopping centers.

How has your mobile phone changed your life?
Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls?
My mobile phone has made my life more convenient by helping me stay connected and manage tasks easily. I mostly use it for texting, but I also make calls when necessary.
>>My mobile phone has significantly enhanced the convenience of my life by helping me stay connected and manage various tasks more efficiently. I primarily use it for texting, but I also make calls when necessary. It has become an essential / indispensable tool for communication and organization in my daily routine.
번호 제목 글쓴이 공개 상태 등록일 조회수
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140422 My best restaurant in Korea. 서*은 완료 2024-10-15 1047
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