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Is having a friend important? Why?

작성자: 이*윤
2024-12-11 612

회원님의 영작문

I think having friends is important.
An extrovert like me is even more important and necessary.
First of all, you need to have a friend to feel less lonely.
If you're alone in the world, there's nothing more lonely than that.
Also, society is a world where we live together.
I think we can make friends and learn to help each other and help each other and help each other by meeting.
In addition, friends can be targeted or stimulated as a role model.
It's important because it's a friend that can effect well for you.
Expecially during adolescence, when friendship is important.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi Yun, 

Friendship indeed is something we need. 
Like you said, they make us feel less lonely, and I think they make us feel more alive.
They also inspire us to be better. 

~ Teacher Gina

I think having friends is important.
An extrovert like me is even more important and necessary.
>> It's even more important and necessary for an extrovert like me. 
First of all, you need to have a friend to feel less lonely.
If you're alone in the world, there's nothing more lonely than that.
>> If you're alone in the world, there's nothing lonelier than that.
Also, society is a world where we live together.
>> Society is a world where we all live together.
I think we can make friends and learn to help each other and help each other and help each other by meeting.
>> I think that by meeting and interacting with others, we can make friends, learn to support one another, and grow together.
In addition, friends can be targeted or stimulated as a role model.
It's important because it's a friend that can effect well for you. Expecially during adolescence, when friendship is important.
>> It's important because it's a friend that can affect you well, especially during adolescence, when friendship is important.

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