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영작교정 게시판

영어 말하기와 쓰기를 동시에 잡는다!

자신 있게 쓸 수 있는 영작문을 위해 파워잉글리쉬 수업을 수강하시는
회원님들께 무료로 제공해드리는 부가 서비스로, 전문 분야를 제외한 자유 주제
또는 강사님이 내주시는 과제를 회원님께서 영어로 작성해주시면,
담당 강사 님께서 ‘문법 오류 교정’ 과 ‘더 나은 영어식 표현’으로 교정해주는
서비스 입니다.

What makes a particular song or artist special to you?

작성자: 김*진
2024-11-19 1236

회원님의 영작문

Recently and unexpectedly I watched a music video produced by G-Dragon. At first I was very astounded by his creative performance and lyrics. I was then after started to search about him from You Tube and began to admire his accomplishments and talents. Though he is younger than I am, he has a lot of things to be respected in terms of personality and characteristics.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hello Paul,

Thank you for submitting your homework. I was impressed with your thoughtful reflection on G-Dragon's creativity and talent. Your ability to connect with his music and admire his accomplishments, despite the age difference, shows a deep appreciation for his artistry and personality. It’s clear that you value not only the work itself but also the qualities that make an artist truly remarkable. Well done, and I look forward to seeing more of your insightful reflections in the future.

~Teacher Cathy


Recently and unexpectedly I watched a music video produced by G-Dragon.


OR>>Out of the blue, I recently came across a music video produced by G-Dragon.

At first I was very astounded by his creative performance and lyrics.

>>At first, I was very astounded by his creative performance and lyrics.

I was then after started to search about him from You Tube and began to admire his accomplishments and talents.

>>After that, I started searching for him on YouTube and began to admire his accomplishments and talents.

Though he is younger than I am, he has a lot of things to be respected in terms of personality and characteristics.


OR>>Although he is younger than I am, he has many qualities that I respect in terms of personality and character.

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