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영작교정 게시판

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Have you ever had a bad experience with ice cream?

작성자: 박*호
2024-06-21 1508

회원님의 영작문

I've never had a bad experience with ice cream.
I've heard that some people have had the bad experience of eating too much ice cream in hot weather, causing an upset stomach or numbness in their mouths.
I like ice cream and eat a lot of it often, so I'm just worried about diabetes or obesity.
However, rather than a bad experience, I had an experience that was embarrassing.
Ice cream is a treat that melts quickly when eaten.
I sometimes have the experience of going to the bathroom while eating ice cream or taking care of urgent work and then coming back and feeling embarrassed because the ice cream had all melted.
I also experienced that while eating ice cream in a place with many people, the ice cream melted and got my clothes dirty.
I would say that this experience was a little embarrassing rather than bad.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Happy Friday, Sun! 

Everyone loves ice cream, but no one loves the intestinal distress that can happen after eating a bowl of this classic treat. If you have experienced gas, cramping, or diarrhea after eating ice cream or other dairy-rich foods, you may be lactose intolerant. 

- Kristine ^^

I've never had a bad experience with ice cream.
>> Correct.
I've heard that some people have had the bad experience of eating too much ice cream in hot weather, causing an upset stomach or numbness in their mouths.
>> I've heard that some people have experienced digestive problems or numbness in their mouths as a result of eating too much in ice cream during hot weather.
I like ice cream and eat a lot of it often, so I'm just worried about diabetes or obesity.
>> I'm only concerned about diabetes or obeisty because I enjoy eating a lot of ice cream.
However, rather than a bad experience, I had an experience that was embarrassing.
>> But instead of having an unpleasant experience, I had an embarrassing one.
Ice cream is a treat that melts quickly when eaten.
>> Correct.
I sometimes have the experience of going to the bathroom while eating ice cream or taking care of urgent work and then coming back and feeling embarrassed because the ice cream had all melted.
>> I have occasionally found myself having to stop eating ice cream to use the restroom or to attend to urgent work, only to return feeling ashamed since all of the ice cream had melted.
I also experienced that while eating ice cream in a place with many people, the ice cream melted and got my clothes dirty.
>> Also, I've had the experience of ice cream melting in a crowded area and getting my clothes dirty.
I would say that this experience was a little embarrassing rather than bad.
>> Correct.
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