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영작교정 게시판

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What are the dramas you wouldn\'t recommend others to watch? Why?

작성자: 김*기
2024-06-11 1895

회원님의 영작문

I wouldn't recommend magic dramas or adult-only dramas.
Actually, magic dramas are interesting, but God doesn't like them.
Jehovah hates people who practice black magic and white magic,
so I think I should follow His will.
Also, adult-only dramas should be watched by people who are over 19 years old.
They contain a lot of bad scenes.
For example, there are many fighting scenes, nudity, or criminal killing scenes.
These scenes are shocking even to adults.
Therefore, I think everyone should avoid these types of dramas.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, MK!
I see! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this question. I completely understand that sometimes watching these dramas can influence others, so it's not very ideal to watch them.
- T. Caitlyn
I wouldn't recommend magic dramas or adult-only dramas.
Actually, magic dramas are interesting, but God doesn't like them.
Jehovah hates people who practice black magic and white magic, so I think I should follow His will.
Also, adult-only dramas should be watched by people who are over 19 years old.
They contain a lot of bad scenes.
For example, there are many fighting scenes, nudity, or criminal killing scenes.
>> They contain a lot of graphic scenes, such as fighting, nudity, or criminal acts. 
These scenes are shocking even to adults.
Therefore, I think everyone should avoid these types of dramas.
>> Therefore, I believe everyone should avoid these types of dramas.
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