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영작교정 게시판

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회원님들께 무료로 제공해드리는 부가 서비스로, 전문 분야를 제외한 자유 주제
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서비스 입니다.

Who in your family is in charge of the laundry? Is it considered to be a man\'s or a woman\'s?

작성자: 박*호
2024-05-28 1904

회원님의 영작문

In Korea, laundry work was traditionally considered the responsibility of women, but recently, as most women are working and washing machines have become more advanced, there is a trend for men to do the laundry.
However, some middle-aged Korean men in their 50s or older still don't know how to operate a washing machine.
Even though I am in my late 50s, I already do my own laundry.
It's not because I'm particularly progressive, but because there was a special moment in my family. It is difficult to reveal it in detail, but in the end, I am happy because I can wash my own clothes.
My two daughters and I have made it a rule several years ago to wash our own clothes.
Laundry includes drying laundry and storing laundry.
In addition to laundry, I also clean the house and cook with my two daughters.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Thanks for doing your homework Sun! 

I appreciate your insight regarding this topic. In this modern time, men and women are considered responsibile for doing household chores. Gender doesn't matter anymore, and helping each other is more important. 

- Kristine ^^ 

In Korea, laundry work was traditionally considered the responsibility of women, but recently, as most women are working and washing machines have become more advanced, there is a trend for men to do the laundry.
>> In Korea, doing laundry has always been seen as a woman's job. However, with the increasing number of working women and the advancement of washing machines, men are now increasingly taking on this role.
However, some middle-aged Korean men in their 50s or older still don't know how to operate a washing machine.
>> Correct.
Even though I am in my late 50s, I already do my own laundry.
>> I wash my own laundry even though I am in my late 50s.
It's not because I'm particularly progressive, but because there was a special moment in my family. 
>> It's not that I'm particularly progressive; but rather because my family went through a unique time. 
It is difficult to reveal it in detail, but in the end, I am happy because I can wash my own clothes.
>> I'm satisfied since I can wash my own clothes.
My two daughters and I have made it a rule several years ago to wash our own clothes.
>> A few years ago, my two daughters and I decided to wash our own clothes as a rule.
Laundry includes drying laundry and storing laundry.
>> Laundry also involves storing and drying clothes.
In addition to laundry, I also clean the house and cook with my two daughters
>> Cleaning the house and cooking with my two daughters are my other activities besides laundry.
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