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How will you differentiate the music of the past from the music of this generation?

작성자: 김*욱
2024-05-14 1977

회원님의 영작문

First difference is music's speed. i think this generation's music engineers like uptempo.
Second that is lyrics. in the past lyrics most important thing was made music.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hello Dan!
I agree with you, but which do you prefer? 
I love the old songs or we could it 90's songs because the melody is almost the same. But that doesn't;t mean that I don;t enjoy listening to our modern songs. 
Thank you for sharing your insights through writing.

First difference is music's speed.
>>> The first difference is the speed of the music
>>> The first difference is the tempo.

I think this generation's music engineers like uptempo.
OR >>> I think music engineers of this generation prefer uptempo music

Second, that is lyrics.

in the past lyrics most important thing was made music.
>>>  In the past, the most important thing in lyrics was to create music
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