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영작교정 게시판

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회원님들께 무료로 제공해드리는 부가 서비스로, 전문 분야를 제외한 자유 주제
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담당 강사 님께서 ‘문법 오류 교정’ 과 ‘더 나은 영어식 표현’으로 교정해주는
서비스 입니다.

Today\'s homework

작성자: 이*도
2024-05-12 1952

회원님의 영작문

Give a sample sentence using a subjective and objective opinion.

1. singer
subjective : The best singer is The Walters
objective : Singer is an artist who sing and dance to be scarificed otehr people.

2. love
subjective : Love is the emotion that people are strong or weak.
objective : Love is the heart to help, understnad, and get close to others.

3. farewell
subjective :
Even if i count all the stars, i don't know how you feel.
The pieces of your broken heart Because it's cold and scatterd.
You're going to show me all the different sides of me.
Did you love him so deeply.
What i can do for you is Good night, sweet dreams. good bye.
Good night, Sweet dreams, and Good bye.
(Nerd connection - good night good dream)

objective :
Separating from each other thinking we won't see together for a long time or foever.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Mr. Lee! 
You managed to give me examples of subjective and objective opinions. But be careful in your sentences, they sometimes become both objective opinions like in number 2. We'll As you go along, you'll learn more about this.
Have a good day!
T. Aki~

1. singer
subjective: The best singer is The Walters
objective: Singer is an artist who sing and dance to be scarificed otehr people.
>>>  A Singer is an artist who sings and dances to entertain other people.

2. love
subjective: Love is the emotion that people are strong or weak.
objective: Love is the heart to help, understnad, and get close to others.
>>>  Love is the heart to help, understand, and get close to others.

3. farewell
subjective :
Even if I count all the stars, I don't know how you feel.

The pieces of your broken heart Because it's cold and scattered.

You're going to show me all the different sides of me.

Did you love him so deeply?

What I can do for you is Good night, sweet dreams. goodbye.

Good night, Sweet dreams, and Good bye.

(Nerd connection - good night good dream)

objective :
Separating from each other thinking we won't see together for a long time or forever.
>>> Separating from each other thinking we won't see together for a long time or forever.
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