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Why is organic food so much more expensive?

작성자: 박*호
2024-05-08 1640

회원님의 영작문

In Korea, as income levels and interest in health have recently increased, the consumption of expensive organic foods is also increasing.
However, it is not easy for the general public to buy organic food because the price is two to three times higher than that of regular food.
Since organic food does not use any chemical fertilizers such as pesticides or growth promoters when growing crops, it is vulnerable to pests and diseases and has low production.
Therefore, it is completely understandable that the price is higher than that of regular food.
It is a widely known fact that organic food is good for health because there are no pesticides or chemical ingredients left in it.
I hope that eco-friendly organic farming methods can be further developed and production increased so that ordinary citizens can purchase them at affordable prices.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi there, Sun! 

I believe organic food supply is limited as compared to demand. Production costs for organic foods are typically higher because of greater labor input and because farmers don't produce enough of a single product to lower the overall cost.

- Kristine ^^ 

In Korea, as income levels and interest in health have recently increased, the consumption of expensive organic foods is also increasing.
>> The consumption of expensive organic foods is rising in Korea, along with the country's growing economic status and interest in health.
However, it is not easy for the general public to buy organic food because the price is two to three times higher than that of regular food.
>> However, because organic food is two to three times more expensive than conventional food, it is difficult for the average public to purchase.
Since organic food does not use any chemical fertilizers such as pesticides or growth promoters when growing crops, it is vulnerable to pests and diseases and has low production.
>> Organic food is inadequate in production and prone to pests and diseases since it is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers like growth boosters or insecticides.
Therefore, it is completely understandable that the price is higher than that of regular food.
>> Correct.
It is a widely known fact that organic food is good for health because there are no pesticides or chemical ingredients left in it.
>> Correct.
I hope that eco-friendly organic farming methods can be further developed and production increased so that ordinary citizens can purchase them at affordable prices.
>> Correct.
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