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작성자: 박*혜
2024-04-25 1102

회원님의 영작문

Cultures in korea that I like is most of system is quick. When I work in bank it's done in a right now or mobile bank work is done in just a few days. And internet is also quick. I think Korean is don't like waiting. So we made this culture..
Second thing that I like culture in korea is there are a lot of side dish in Korean food restaurant. If I ordered just samgyopssal(삼겹살) I can eat Corn salad, kimchi, steamed eggs, lettuce and perilla leaves. So I can be able to choose eat side dish that I like with main dish.
These are my favorite cultures :)

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi Su,

I agree. I like the plenty side dishes too because there's a lot to choose from. Thanks for sharing. Talk to you later! ^^

-Teacher Ash

Cultures in korea that I like is most of system is quick. 

>> The first culture that I like in Korea is the fast-paced attitude culture at work.

When I work in bank it's done in a right now or mobile bank work is done in just a few days.

>>When I worked in the bank, transactions should be done now and if it’s a mobile bank work, it is done in a few days.

And internet is also quick.
>>Access to internet is also very fast.

I think Korean is don't like waiting.
>>I think Koreans don’t like waiting.

So we made this culture..
>> So, we created this fast -paced culture.

Second thing that I like culture in korea is there are a lot of side dish in Korean food restaurant. 
>> The second culture that I like is the various amount of side dishes served from a single order in a restaurant.

If I ordered just samgyopssal(삼겹살) I can eat Corn salad, kimchi, steamed eggs, lettuce and perilla leaves. 
>> If I just ordered samgyopsal, they give me plenty of side dishes like corn salad, kimchi, steamed eggs, lettuce and perilla leaves.

So I can be able to choose eat side dish that I like with main dish.
>> There are plenty of side dishes to choose from and I get to eat the side dish that I like.

These are my favorite cultures :)
>> These are my favorite cultures.
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