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What country influences Korean cuisine?

작성자: 김*욱
2024-04-24 1588

회원님의 영작문

i'm sorry, aki.
My opinion is not same yours asked.
i can say that korean cuisine influences over the Asia.
some people ask me, Do you recommend easy to cook korean food?
i'm sure that is kimchi-buchimgae. its easy to cook and perfective korean style.
it 's made resource is kimchi. kimchi is korean traditional helthy food.

you still ask me What country influences Korean cuisine?
i'm not sure that because korean cuisine is perfectively different from other style.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hello Dan!
Thank you for this and informing me how the Korean cuisnes infleuences other countries. I'm certain, Korean food is is my favorite aside from my native delicacy.
T. Aki~

I'm sorry, aki.
OR >>> I apologize, Aki.

My opinion is not same yours asked
>>> My opinion is not the same as yours.
>>> My opinion differs from yours

i can say that korean cuisine influences over  Asia.
OR >>> I can say that Korean cuisne has a great infleunce over Asia.

Some people ask me, Do you recommend easy to cook korean food?

i'm sure that is kimchi-buchimgae. its easy to cook and perfective korean style.
>>>  I confidently recommend kimchi-buchimgae. It's simple to prepare and embodies authentic Korean flavors

it 's made resource is kimchi. kimchi is korean traditional helthy food.

OR >>> Its key ingredient is kimchi, a staple of Korean traditional cuisine known for its health benefits.

you still ask me What country influences Korean cuisine?
>>> As for which country influences KOrean cuisine.

i'm not sure that because korean cuisine is perfectively different from other style.

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