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영작교정 게시판

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서비스 입니다.

In what ways can we take good care of our teeth?

작성자: 박*현
2024-03-21 1908

회원님의 영작문

We have many ways for take care of our teeth.
First, we always brush our teeth.
That's important and good thing.
Second, we can chek the our teeth many times.
These are the ways of the take care of our teeth.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, Henry!
Thank you so much for taking time in answering the question. Always do your best!
~ T. Camille

We have many ways for take care of our teeth.
>> We have many ways to take care of our teeth.
OR >> We have many ways for taking care of our teeth.
First, we always brush our teeth.
>> First, we should always brush our teeth.
That's an important and good thing.
Second, we can chek the our teeth many times.
>> Second, we should have our teeth checked regularly.
These are the ways of the take care of our teeth.
>> These are the ways of taking  care of our teeth.
OR >> These are the ways to take care of our teeth.
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