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HOMEWORK- What does it mean to put effort into all we do?

작성자: 이*은
2024-03-13 1268

회원님의 영작문

effort is very importent.
it will be hard much try, but i think results willl follow as well.
and it is fun as much as effort try.

so i try every day study english. i willl continue to study english even when i go to Australia

so, can i continue this lass if i go there?
if it impossible, i have so bad.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Well done, Eve!
Even though I made numerous corrections to your composition, I must say that you did an excellent job of honestly writing your output. Thank you for your effort, and I hope you'll continue to find time to write so you can take advantage of all the opportunities to improve your English. In addition, you can still study with us even when you move to Australia ^_^
effort is very importent.
>>Effort is very important.
it will be hard much try, but i think results willl follow as well.
>> It will be too hard to try but I think good results will follow.
>>>> It will be difficult to try, but I believe it will lead to positive outcomes.
and it is fun as much as effort try.
>> And it is fun the more effort we exert.
>>And the more effort we put in, the more fun it is.
so i try every day study english. i willl continue to study english even when i go to Australia
>> So, I always try to study English every day. And I will try to continue studying English even when I go to Australia. 
>>So, I make it a daily goal to study English. And even once I move to Australia, I'll make an effort to keep studying English.
so, can i continue this lass if i go there?
>> Can I continue this class if  I go there?
>>If I go there, can I still continue this class?
if it impossible, i have so bad.
>> If it is impossible, I  will feel bad. 
>>>> I'll be sorry if it's impossible.
번호 제목 글쓴이 공개 상태 등록일 조회수
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