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How can part-time jobs during high school or college provide valuable opportunities for gaining work

작성자: 이*태
2024-02-15 1314

회원님의 영작문

I agree this topic. we can get many experience and something when we work.
However I suggest that study more than work during a students period.
If someone study more than others, and someone get better job, someone can earn more money.
I think it's better than working in student period.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi JT! I see your point and it is indeed better than working right away. They have the rest of their lives to experience working so they should focus on studying first. Thank you for sharing your opinion! 
~~Teacher Ryka^^

I agree this topic. 
>>  I agree with this topic.

we can get many experience and something when we work.
>> We can experience a lot of things when we work.

However I suggest that study more than work during a students period.
>> However, I suggest that students should focus on their studies first before working.

If someone study more than others, and someone get better job, someone can earn more money.
>> If they focus on studying, they can get better jobs in the future which can help them earn more money.

I think it's better than working in student period.
>> I think this is better than working as a student.
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