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영작교정 게시판

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When can you say, “It’s a crime to do nothing”?

작성자: 최*정
2024-02-13 1486

회원님의 영작문

Human society operates according to illegal, ethical, and other standard.
These are may be room for controversy, but It is established generally to maintain social order and uphold fairness.
So, when can we say “It’s a crime to do nothing”?

1. an illegal side
Law is rules established by society, If you break it, it's considered a crime.
Sometimes nothing to do can be considered a crime.
For example, we didn't help when someone fall down in road,
Some countries called "unscrupulous indifference" and It can be punishment in legally

2. an ethical aspect
Ethic is a criterion for an individual or group to judge what the right behavior is.
Sometimes we can harm other people as well we didn't any action.
For example, ignored others or turning a blind eye to unfair situations.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Thank you for this explanation, Eunice. Very well said!

Human society operates according to illegal, ethical, and other standard.
>>> correct  
These are may be room for controversy, but It is established generally to maintain social order and uphold fairness.
>>These may create room for controversies, but they are established generally to maintain social order and uphold fairness.
So, when can we say “It’s a crime to do nothing”?
>>>  correct 
1. an 
illegal side
Law is rules established by society, If you break it, it's considered a crime.
>>>  Law is a set of rules established by the society. If you break it, it's considered a crime. 
Sometimes nothing to do can be considered a crime.
>>>  Sometimes doing nothing can be considered a crime. 
For example, we didn't help when someone fall down in road,
>>>   For example, we didn't help when someone fell down on the road.
Some countries called "unscrupulous indifference" and It can be punishment in legally
>>> Some countries call it "unscrupulous indifference" and it can be punishable by law. 
2. an ethical aspect
Ethics is a criterion for an individual or group to judge what the right behavior is.
>>> correct  
Sometimes we can harm other people as well we didn't any action.
>>> Sometimes we can harm other people as well if we didn't do any action.  
For example, ignored others or turning a blind eye to unfair situations.
>>>   correct
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