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영작교정 게시판

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서비스 입니다.

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today?

작성자: 이*윤
2024-02-07 1792

회원님의 영작문

Sorry, my answer has taken too long.

Please check the attached file.

Happy New Year, Chammy!

We are a year older^^

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Happy New Year, Yun!

Thank you for making the time to still do your homework ^^ 

May this year come in your favor~ More success and goals to achieve :D Have a wonderful holiday season <3


I think it's industrious.

>> I think it's being industrious.


>> I think it's industriousness.

When foreigners see Koreans, what they always say is that Korean are industrious.

If a person is industrious, he or she can easily handle things and become a newcomer who stands out from his or her supervisor.


I also learned industrious from my parents and used that skill to lose weight.

>>  I also learned industriousness from my parents and used it to lose weight.

After my third grade in high school, I set up a regular schedule to lose weight up to 20kg and diligently went out to the gym.

As I went out diligently, I naturally became close to gym members and trainers and helped them exercise.


That's how I lost more that 20kg.

>> That's how I lost more than 20kg.

But that's not the case with the current generation.

Today's generation is a fast-changing world, it's a world that lives well, and it's a world with many options, so it's fast to give up.

I can't say that's not the case here.

So always adults say to MZ generation all the time, "You guys are so quick to give up."


Maybe it's my opinion, but adults won't say that if a person shows industrity.

>>Maybe it's my opinion, but adults won't say that if a person shows industriousness.

The view of the younger generation may change, and furthermore, it may reduce the intensifying conflict between generations, if any.


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