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The impact of technology

작성자: 임*진
2024-01-18 2380

회원님의 영작문

Technology will certainly make us change the way of eating, eating space and food itself as it already has been doing.
First of all, according to development of bio technology, If the tiny tablets will be released with it proved to be safe, we might be clear with our dining with just one tablet.
And also, by visiting the restaurants where they're totally operated by robots, we can enjoy our meal without human staffs.
I recently visited at a certain automatic restaurant so that I placed an order by kiosk and my food was served by robot.
I heard that AI technologies will be expanded to most of businesses including food industry.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, Ms. Yu Jin! Indeed, AI is poised to revolutionize many sectors, like the food industry. In the coming years, many things will eventually changed, and we have to be ready to face it. Thank you for your composition today!
~T. Jenna

Technology will certainly make us change the way of eating, eating space and food itself as it already has been doing.
>>Technology will certainly change our way of eating, our eating space and food itself as it already has been doing. or Technology will certainly force us to change how we cook, eat, and interact with our dining spaces, just as it has already disrupted other aspects of our lives.
First of all, according to development of bio technology, If the tiny tablets will be released with it proved to be safe, we might be clear with our dining with just one tablet.
>>First of all, according to the development of bio technology, if tiny tablets with proven safety become available, we might efficiently meet our nutritional needs with just one daily dose. or Biotechnology advancements could lead to personalized nutrient tablets, potentially replacing entire meals with a single, safe, and convenient option.
And also, by visiting the restaurants where they're totally operated by robots, we can enjoy our meal without human staffs.
>>And also, by visiting the restaurants which are totally operated by robots, we can enjoy our meals without human staffs.
I recently visited at a certain automatic restaurant so that I placed an order by kiosk and my food was served by robot.
>>I recently visited a certain automatic restaurant where I placed an order through a  kiosk and had my food served by a robot. or I recently tried a trendy robot-run restaurant where I placed my order through a kiosk and had my food delivered by a robot.
I heard that AI technologies will be expanded to most of businesses including food industry.
>> I heard that AI technologies will be integrated into most businesses, including the food industry. or I heard that AI will be deployed  across a wide range of industries, including food.
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