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HOMEWORK FOR 12/14: Writing Task: Could children be gaslighted by parents or siblings? If so, could

작성자: 김*희
2023-12-18 2386

회원님의 영작문

I think that children be gaslighted by parents or siblings, because more closer people become they interfere more. As parents, they will gaslight their child to study because of going to college. They will keep saying that going to college is the only way to survive in our country, this kind of speaking can make their children to doubt themselves and their thinking. As siblings rouser can also be part of gaslighting too. For example, a girl say to her sister that she is the only one who could understand her, or saying like all of this is because of you can be a example of gaslighting.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, Lune! 

Thanks for doing your homework. Let's talk about it more in class. ^^

- Kristine ^^ 

I think that children be gaslighted by parents or siblings, because more closer people become they interfere more. 
>> I think that children are gaslighted by their parents or siblings because the closer they become, the more they interfere.
As parents, they will gaslight their child to study because of going to college. 
>> As parents, they will gaslight their child to study because they are going to college.
They will keep saying that going to college is the only way to survive in our country, this kind of speaking can make their children to doubt themselves and their thinking. 
>> They will keep saying that going to college is the only way to survive in our country. This kind of speaking can make their children doubt themselves and their thinking.
As siblings rouser can also be part of gaslighting too. 
>> As siblings, rousers can also be part of gaslighting.
For example, a girl say to her sister that she is the only one who could understand her, or saying like all of this is because of you can be a example of gaslighting.
>> For example, a girl saying to her sister that she is the only one who could understand her, or saying that all of this is because of you, can be an example of gaslighting.
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