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I would rather live in a tree house

작성자: 송*우
2023-12-13 1874

회원님의 영작문

I would rather live in a tree house. It is because I want to live in a bright place. I think if I can’t get a sunlight, it would be like living at the hell and I heard that living in the underground is unhealthy for the body. I feel like living in a tree house is very fantasy and it would be amazing that I’m in the nature getting lots of fresh air and listening to bird’s song.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi Scott!

Happy Wednesday!


I would rather live in a tree house. It is because I want to live in a bright place. I think if I can’t get a sunlight, it would be like living at the hell and I heard that living in the underground is unhealthy for the body. I feel like living in a tree house is very fantasy and it would be amazing that I’m in the nature getting lots of fresh air and listening to bird’s song.

>> I would rather live in a tree house. It is because I want to live in a bright place. I think if I can’t get a sunlight, it would be like living in hell and I heard that living underground is unhealthy for the body. I feel like living in a tree house is like a fantasy and it would be amazing that I’m with nature getting fresh air and listening to the bird’s song.
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