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영작교정 게시판

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Why our body need sleep

작성자: 박*율
2023-12-08 1987

회원님의 영작문

My body works hard all day, so it needs sleep.
We study, do homework, play with friends and talk with people a day.
Our energy is down.
Therefore, we need to take a rest and sleep.
I had no any problems about sleeping.
However, I have a story about that.
One day, I studied at night.
I was so tired because it was night.
And then, I slept while studying.
I realized that sleeping is important for us again.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi Julie!
Don't give in to stress.
Keep fighting and find a balance in your life.
Everybody deserves peace and happiness.^^
~~ Teacher Sharon
My body works hard all day, so it needs sleep.
>> Correct
We study, do homework, play with friends and talk with people a day.
>> We study, do homework, play with friends and talk with people during the day.
Our energy is down.
>> Correct
Therefore, we need to take a rest and sleep.
>> Correct
I had no any problems about sleeping.
>> I have never had any problems about sleeping.
However, I have a story about that.
>> Correct
One day, I studied at night.
>> Correct
I was so tired because it was night.
>> I was so tired because it was really late.
And then, I slept while studying.
>> I fell asleep while studying.
I realized that sleeping is important for us again.
>> I realized again that sleeping is important for us.
번호 제목 글쓴이 공개 상태 등록일 조회수
133360 Homework 류*우 완료 2023-12-20 1488
133359 To answer the question about military services 고*호 완료 2023-12-20 1797
133358 diary 김*연 완료 2023-12-20 0
133357 >>> Can you recall (without looking) who and what are on your... 이*민 완료 2023-12-20 3
133356 What are working conditions like in your country? 신*섭 완료 2023-12-20 1719
133355 What comes to mind whenever you hear the expression... 백*진 완료 2023-12-20 2220
133354 Homework 김*담 완료 2023-12-20 1723
133353 BUSAN 권*희 완료 2023-12-20 1457
133352 Grammar question 이*희 완료 2023-12-20 1748
133351 18.Dec.2023 김*정 완료 2023-12-20 1
133350 Travel in the future 양*연 완료 2023-12-20 1995
133349 When should we say yes and when should we say no? 김*규 완료 2023-12-20 3
133348 My Personality 강*율 완료 2023-12-19 1
133347 What kind of transport do you wish existed in you city/area? 최*정 완료 2023-12-19 3
133346 Homework 김*우 완료 2023-12-19 2214
133345 My Spare Time 박*율 완료 2023-12-19 2105
133344 Do you like looking at stars? Why or why not? 최*한 완료 2023-12-19 2192
133343 Homework 김*님 완료 2023-12-19 1261
133342 What healthy life choices did you make this year? 문*현 완료 2023-12-19 1826
133341 homework 12.19 최*� 완료 2023-12-19 1359


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