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영작교정 게시판

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Homework 6

작성자: 권*태
2023-12-07 2480

회원님의 영작문

What attributes does someone need to be a great teacher? Answer in FIVE (5) sentences.

Someone who want to become a teacher needs to have a professionality.
Professionality includes guidance of life style, learning, etc.
So, he or she has to do his or her best to get a professionality of elementary school teacher by taking a online lecture, reading a book.
And someone needs to have a positive attitude.
If teacher meets situation about lower level students follow class\'s content, teacher will have to mind that he will reach a standard level.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Beautiful day Ku Tae! That is correct. Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy, and patience. Most importantly, good teachers have strong relationships with their students by being warm, available, and kind. We will discuss more about this in class. I will see you then. Stay warm!~T. Lyn
Someone who want to become a teacher needs to have a professionality.
>>Anyone who wants to become a teacher must have expertise or professionalism.
Professionality includes guidance of life style, learning, etc.
>>Professionalism includes life guidance as well as academic guidance, etc.
So, he or she has to do his or her best to get a professionality of elementary school teacher by taking a online lecture, reading a book.
>>So, he or she should do his or her best to acquire expertise as an elementary school teacher by listening to online lectures and reading books.
And someone needs to have a positive attitude.
>>And someone has to have a positive attitude.
If teacher meets situation about lower level students follow class\'s content, teacher will have to mind that he will reach a standard level.
>>If a teacher encounters a situation with low-level students who are not keeping up with the class content, a teacher must keep in mind that he or she will reach or will be held to a standard level.
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