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서비스 입니다.

Tell me about black even point.

작성자: 정*환
2023-11-28 2421

회원님의 영작문

This was real Krean question.
I know what the black even point is.
But I need to the prepare the answer in English so that I can be ready perfectly.

Black even point is the time that the disadvantages turned into the advantages.
Let's say there is some hotel which will be realased soon.
The owner should invest a lot of money for preparing it.
That money might be disadvantage.
After opening the hotel, the business started to run.
Some day, the disadvantages will be changed into the advantages by managing the hotel.
We can call that time black even point.
in addition, hotel black even point is much hige than other industries because of its first exaggeration investment.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hello, Han!
Honestly, I am not sure about black even point. Did you mean the break-even point? The example you have given below is related to the "Break-even point" ^_^ Let me bring up this topic during our class~ See you ^_^-Chammy
This was real Krean question.
>>This was a real Korean question.
I know what the black even point is.
But I need to the prepare the answer in English so that I can be ready perfectly.
>>But I need to prepare the answer in English so that I can be ready perfectly.
Black even point is the time that the disadvantages turned into the advantages.
>>The black even point is the time that the disadvantages turned into the advantages.
Let's say there is some hotel which will be realased soon.
>> Let's say, there is a hotel that will be opened soon.
The owner should invest a lot of money for preparing it.
>> The owner should invest a lot of money in preparing it.
That money might be disadvantage.
>> That money might be a disadvantage.
After opening the hotel, the business started to run.
Some day, the disadvantages will be changed into the advantages by managing the hotel.
>>In time, the disadvantages will be changed into the advantages of the hotel by managing it.
We can call that time black even point.
>> Correct
In addition, hotel black even point is much hige than other industries because of its first exaggeration investment.
>>In addition, the hotel's black even point is much higher than other industries because of its first exaggeration investment.
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