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Homework (Self introduction)

작성자: 이*주
2023-11-08 2723

회원님의 영작문

Actually, I wanna check the full contents of self Introduction.
I'm not sure if the grammar of each sentence is correct.
I want you to correct the grammar If there are wrong or awkward sentences.
There are a lot of sentences... So, sorry if I ask you this.
What I wanna say is that I appreciate always!...
Thank you for helping me!
(I revised some parts what you advised me In our class)

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, Seog Ju!

Thank you for sending this! I will mostly focus on the grammar corrections to maintain the authenticity of your introduction, okay?^^

~T. Divina :)

Here are some things to take note of:

My previous company personally organized exhibitions/fairs and initially, the amount of my assignments was low. However, as the days went by, my workload started building up. After I realized that I easily forgot my tasks that I needed to prepare and make progress of, I made a calendar and started to record the things that I needed to accomplish that day. I experienced various assignments such as attracting business companies, planning and promoting events, and coordinating with international buyers.

1. Attracting and Managing Companies

When I started my internship, I immediately worked on business attraction, which was the beginning step of the fair preparation. The task was to attract the local government and other various companies in the region. In my case, I was given a special task to attract the Tourism Agency and Cultural Center of each city in Korea. I also did post-management, which was the point after the event was completed.

2. Planning and Promoting Side Events and SNS Events

I had a lot of experiences in planning and promoting side events and SNS events. I had an experience in researching various events including side events, creating posters, recruiting and managing participants, and promoting the events online through SNS. These promotions had reached cafes, blogs, Instagram, and Facebook. Since the fairs included seminars, conferences, and receptions, I had to research, invite, and organize speakers such as university professors and corporate representatives.

3. International Buyer Consultation Meetings and Fam Tours

During the fair, I had experienced being the person-in-charge of international buyer consultation and fam tour. I contacted overseas agencies and recruited international buyers. After recruiting the buyers, I had the chance to create their schedule. In addition to these, I worked with the local government of Geoje to coordinate with the needs of the travel agencies, as well as the accommodations of the buyers to ensure that the fam tour progressed smoothly.

When I first worked in corporate attraction, I was not confident with my own pronunciation, intonation, tone of voice, and information about the fair. 


(Note: Is this the end of your introduction? If yes, I think there is still something that you need to add to complete it. For now, this is all I can do to improve it. I hope this helps!)

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