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homework 11.01

작성자: 최*�
2023-11-01 2830

회원님의 영작문

~ Writing Task:
Please answer the question:
Are there any countries that you would never visit?

So, far I don't have a country don't like.
Nevertheless there are some countries that don't want to go.
Among them, I will don't go some countries in South-America.
I watched some articles about some South-America
Some South-America countries have a high crime rates and tourist also to dangerous.
And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tell us that it is not recommended
So, many people don't recommend several South-America.
I think so too, I don't have plan visit for safety.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Good day, Keon!
Thank you so much for taking time in answering the question. Your ideas and opinions are on point. Keep it up! :)
~ T. Camille

~ Writing Task:
Please answer the question:
Are there any countries that you would never visit?

So, far I don't have a country don't like.
>> So, far I don't have a country that don't like.
Nevertheless there are some countries that don't want to go.
>> Nevertheless there are some countries that I don't want to go.
Among them, I will don't go some countries in South-America.
>> Among them, I don't want to go to some countries in South America.
I watched some articles about some South-America
>> I watched some articles about some South American countries.
Some South-America countries have a high crime rates and tourist also to dangerous.
>> Some South American countries have high crime rates and tourists are also at danger.
And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tell us that it is not recommended
>> The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also tells us that it is not recommended to go there.
So, many people don't recommend several South-America.
>> So, many people don't recommend several South American countries.
I think so too, I don't have plan visit for safety.
>> I think so too, I don't have plans to visit there, it's also for my safety.

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