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작성자: 송*화
2023-10-24 1929

회원님의 영작문

Hellow Ara🌷
I chack my homework now. I'm sorry for late.

Your Question is [What kind of success do you want in the future in your life?]
My answer is first I think very important success in the future in my life that I have around many good people. Like they are real delightful I have good happens. And they help me i have bad happens.
Second, I would like to make my new famliy. So I should marry a special man. He is gentle and humorus, intellrectual, have compentence, tall and love me.
Thard, I have a lot of money. Because If I have many money, I help my famliy and I can donate money needful people. I would like to provide good influence.
I'm sorry for late.
I plesure that I know you.
I hope our conversaion is more well. I saw our conversaion vedio. And than I think about it feel so sorry. I realize very slow speaking and I used impolite words, such as want, can, etc. It's because I'm not good at it. I want to improve through conversations with you.
Thank you Ara. Have a goodnight

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hello Katherine!
No worries! You are so kind, don't worry I'm here to help ^ ^ Thank you! Great job on successfully finishing your homework! 
^^ T. Ara

My answer is first I think very important success in the future in my life that I have around many good people. 
>>> First, I think it's very important for future success in my life to be with good people.
Like they are real delightful I have good happens. 
>>> When they are really nice, good things happen,
And they help me i have bad happens.
>>> and they help me when bad things occur.
Second, I would like to make my new famliy. 
>>> Second, I want to start a new family.
So I should marry a special man. 
>>> To do that, I should marry a special man
He is gentle and humorus, intellrectual, have compentence, tall and love me.
>>> who is kind, funny, smart, capable, tall, and loves me.
Thard, I have a lot of money. 
>>> Third, I want to have a lot of money.
Because If I have many money, I help my famliy and I can donate money needful people.
>>> If I have a lot of money, I can help my family and give to those in need.
I would like to provide good influence.
>>> I want to make a positive impact.

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