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영작교정 게시판

영어 말하기와 쓰기를 동시에 잡는다!

자신 있게 쓸 수 있는 영작문을 위해 파워잉글리쉬 수업을 수강하시는
회원님들께 무료로 제공해드리는 부가 서비스로, 전문 분야를 제외한 자유 주제
또는 강사님이 내주시는 과제를 회원님께서 영어로 작성해주시면,
담당 강사 님께서 ‘문법 오류 교정’ 과 ‘더 나은 영어식 표현’으로 교정해주는
서비스 입니다.

To share my travel experience.

작성자: 최*환
2023-09-25 1372

회원님의 영작문

I would like to share my trip experience in Jeju. I went on the trip in Jeju Island last weekend. I rode a motorcycle which was rented following costal road around the island. I could feel free that time. And I met my friend and his wife. We hung out with them drank a cup of coffee and some bottle of so-ju. I totally hung over last Sunday.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi there again, Thomas!

You had been to many places in a few months I had classes with you. This is actually the perfect time to just bask under the sun in different places while you are young and able. 

Having an enjoyable moment is something that you are good at doing. Hence, enjoy the next trip and share the memorable moments soon from the East sea.

You composed many correct sentences here, great job!

See you!

-T. Donna~

I would like to share my trip experience in Jeju. 
>> Correct!

I went on the trip in Jeju Island last weekend. 
>> Correct!

I rode a motorcycle which was rented following costal road around the island. 
>> I rode a motorcycle which was rented following the costal road around the island. 

I could feel free that time. 
>> Correct!

And I met my friend and his wife. 
>> Correct!
Or: I also met my friend and his wife.

We hung out with them drank a cup of coffee and some bottle of so-ju. 
>> Correct!
We hung out with them, drank a cup of coffee and some bottle of so-ju. 

I totally hung over last Sunday.
>> I totally had a hang over last Sunday.
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