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영작교정 게시판

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서비스 입니다.


작성자: 김*님
2023-09-07 2021

회원님의 영작문

Korean food has a lot of side dish.
So It doesn’t have choice to increase the waste of food.
Especially we can’t predict the kimchi’s consumes.
To reduce the waste of food is making little them and I have to make food after eating all of dishes.
But kimchi can’t adopt such as the situation.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hello, Ms. Sunny!
Thank you for expressing your thoughts. One factor that can be considered as to why there is food waste, especially in advanced countries is because they know that they are rich and can afford to get or buy a new one.
That is also a problem in America, Europe, and Industrialized Asia. But developing countries, value every small amount and drop of food. :) Enjoy the weekend!

Korean food has a lot of side dish.
>>> Korean food has a lot of side dishes.

So It doesn’t have choice to increase the waste of food.
>>> So it doesn’t have the choice to increase the waste of food.

Especially we can’t predict the kimchi’s consumes.
>>>  Especially we can’t predict the kimchi’s consumption.

To reduce the waste of food is making little them and I have to make food after eating all of dishes.
>>>  To reduce the waste of food, making little of them and I have to make food after eating all of the dishes.

But kimchi can’t adopt such as the situation.
>>>  But kimchi can’t adapt to such a situation.

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