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영작교정 게시판

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서비스 입니다.

homework 09.06

작성자: 최*�
2023-09-06 2205

회원님의 영작문

~ Writing Task:
Please answer the question:
What are the disadvantages of bicycles?

Bicycles are one of the good Vehicle
There are many people go to school, office, or exercise using bicycle.
But, it's also has disadvantages.
I think the most disadvantages are injury and stolen.
Except for the injury, let me explain the stolen.
First of all, some Korean people are strange.
Because if I lost my wallet or smart phone on the street, other people don't touch it or
they keep it in nearby stores.
But, if someone who find regardless of an unlock bicycle or locked bicycle, they will be steal a bicycle.
So, I don't understand this behavior.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Good day, Keon!
Thank you so much for taking time in answering the question. Your ideas and opinions are on point. Keep it up! :)
~ T. Camille

~ Writing Task:
Please answer the question:
What are the disadvantages of bicycles?

Bicycles are one of the good Vehicle
>> Bicycles are one of the good modes of transportation.
There are many people go to school, office, or exercise using bicycle.
>> There are many people who go to school, office, or exercise using bicycles.
But, it's also has disadvantages.
>> But, it also has disadvantages.
I think the most disadvantages are injury and stolen.
>> I think most of them are injuries and stealing.
Except for the injury, let me explain the stolen.
>> Except for the injury, let me explain the stealing of bicycles.
First of all, some Korean people are strange.
Because if I lost my wallet or smart phone on the street, other people don't touch it or
they keep it in nearby stores.
>> That's because if I lose my wallet or smart phone on the street, other people don't touch it or they keep it in nearby stores.
But, if someone who find regardless of an unlock bicycle or locked bicycle, they will be steal a bicycle.
>> But, if someone who finds something regardless whether it's an unlocked or locked bicycle, they will steal it.
So, I don't understand this behavior.

번호 제목 글쓴이 공개 상태 등록일 조회수
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