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작성자: 김*영
2023-08-21 2496

회원님의 영작문

My favorite restaurant is Bossam and noodles restaurant. when I go to there, I order garilc Bossam and Kalgukusu. Garilc Bossam is made by boiling in the vegetable soup, so it become soft and eat with garilc source is pretty sweet. and Kalgukusu is kind of noodles,but it is little bit wide than other normal nodels, so it has good texture. Therfore I like the restaurant, because Bossam is soft and not oilly and with sweet garilc source are good combination and then Kalguksu has good taxture like chewy.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Thank you for this Na Young!

My favorite restaurant is Bossam and noodles restaurant. 
>>> correct  
When I go to there, I order garilc Bossam and Kalgukusu. 
>>>  Whenever I go to there, I usually order garlic Bossam and Kalguksu. 
Garilc Bossam is made by boiling in the vegetable soup, so it become soft and eat with garilc source is pretty sweet. and Kalgukusu is kind of noodles,but it is little bit wide than other normal nodels, so it has good texture. 
>>>  Garlic Bossam is made by boiling it in the vegetable soup, so it becomes soft and eating it with garlic adds a pretty sweet taste to it. On the other hand, Kalgukusu is a kind of noodles, but it is a little bit wider/thicker than other normal noodles so it has a good texture.  
Therfore I like the restaurant, because Bossam is soft and not oilly and with sweet garilc source are good combination and then Kalguksu has good taxture like chewy.
>>Therefore, I like the restaurant because the Bossam is soft and not oily and with a sweet taste from the garlic, they are a good combination. Then Kalguksu has a good texture, quite chewy.
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