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My own way to relieve stress

작성자: 성*경
2023-08-14 2046

회원님의 영작문

Actually, there are a lot of effective ways to relieve stress. In my case, whenever i feel anxious, i try to do breathing exercise like meditation. But practically, it is not useful. Because it is difficult to have a meditation when other people are talking. So i just try to keep on finding the best way in real-time

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

It is good that you are not giving up on discovering more about yourself, Jun! You managed to answer the question fairly.-Faith-
Actually, there are a lot of effective ways to relieve stress. 
In my case, whenever i feel anxious, i try to do breathing exercise like meditation. 
>> In my case, whenever I feel anxious, I try to do breathing exercises like meditation. 
But practically, it is not useful. Because it is difficult to have a meditation when other people are talking. 
>> However, practically, it is not useful because it is difficult to have a meditation when other people are talking.
So i just try to keep on finding the best way in real-time
>> Therefore, I just try to keep on finding the best way in real time.
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