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서비스 입니다.


작성자: 조*지
2023-07-26 4321

회원님의 영작문

In Korea, bowing is a formal greetings when we meet someone who is older than me. Regardless of likes and dislikes, it is one of the manners that should be done in Korea. So it is very familiar to me. Also shaking hands are sometimes held in a business relationship. In the case of kissing, I'll respect it because it's their culture. But I'm actually reluctant to do it in Korea. The reason why I feel reluctant about kissing is because Koreans are very conscious of other people's eyes. And Korean society is a little conservative, so it hates going against basic manners. I think these reasons seems to work in a complex ways.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, Annie!
Thank you for doing your homework. I totally agree! Bowing is also common in my country as a form of respect for someone older or in a higher position. Kissing, on the hand, is a common greeting between relatives.
-T. Caitlyn
In Korea, bowing is a formal greetings when we meet someone who is older than me. 
>> In Korea, bowing is a formal greeting when meeting someone older than me. 
Regardless of likes and dislikes, it is one of the manners that should be done in Korea. 
So it is very familiar to me. 
Also shaking hands are sometimes held in a business relationship. 
In the case of kissing, I'll respect it because it's their culture. But I'm actually reluctant to do it in Korea. 
>> In the case of kissing, I'll respect it because it's their culture but I'm actually reluctant to do it in Korea. 
The reason why I feel reluctant about kissing is because Koreans are very conscious of other people's eyes. 
And Korean society is a little conservative, so it hates going against basic manners. 
I think these reasons seems to work in a complex ways.
>>  I think these reasons seem to work in complex ways.
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