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How would the world be different if we never considered beauty?

작성자: 박*나
2023-06-07 1227

회원님의 영작문

First of all, my understanding "beauty of the world" in the sentence is the beauty of nature.

Nowadays peoples are efforts to reduce debris and make better nature.
If humans do not consider beauty, the sky isn't becoming blue anymore.
Already sky isn't blue, many days sky is gray because of smoke.

In my research background, we talk about the pollution of the ocean.
The Antarctic is a beautiful but very weak place because of very vulnerable place.
If humans never consider the beauty of this region, the world will be very dangerous because of heavy ice melting.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi Ye Na,

Thank you for doing your homework! I'm impressed with the way you expressed your understanding of the "beauty of the world" as the beauty of nature. You've highlighted an important issue of reducing debris and improving our environment. Your thoughts on the impact of human consideration on the color of the sky and the pollution of the ocean are insightful. It's evident that you've done your research and understand the vulnerability of the Antarctic region. Your assignment shows a strong awareness of the potential dangers associated with neglecting the beauty of this area. Well done on a thoughtful and well-written piece of work!

~Teacher Cathy

First of all, my understanding "beauty of the world" in the sentence is the beauty of nature.
>>First of all, my understanding of the "beauty of the world" in the sentence refers to the beauty of nature.
Nowadays peoples are efforts to reduce debris and make better nature.

>>Nowadays, people are making efforts to reduce debris and improve nature.
If humans do not consider beauty, the sky isn't becoming blue anymore.


OR>>If humans do not appreciate beauty, the sky will no longer be blue.
Already sky isn't blue, many days sky is gray because of smoke.
>>The sky is already not blue; many days it appears gray due to smoke.
In my research background, we talk about the pollution of the ocean.

The Antarctic is a beautiful but very weak place because of very vulnerable place.

>>CORRECT The Antarctic is a stunning but extremely fragile place.
If humans never consider the beauty of this region, the world will be very dangerous because of heavy ice melting.


OR>>If humans fail to appreciate the beauty of this region, the world will become very dangerous due to accelerated ice melting.

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