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작성자: 신*화
2023-05-25 1690

회원님의 영작문

There is anxiety about traffic in the neighborhood where I live.
Cars do not obey traffic lights, ignore traffic lights, and make right turns even at green lights, resulting in dangerous situations.
And people often jaywalk in places where there are no traffic lights and are surprised to run even when a car is approaching.
My husband also had an accident while driving with a person who was running at a place where there were many cars at a red light even though there was a traffic light.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hello Eliana!
I am completely baffled by this, maybe because I have a high regard for Korea as a very disciplined country and this surprised me.
Well, every country has its own negative issues, and unless a leader of a certain community will impose a stricter rule and penalty that's the time your area will be changed. Start it within yourselves by raising concern to your local community :)
Have a great afternoon!

There is anxiety about traffic in the neighborhood where I live.
>>> I have anxiety about the traffic in the neighborhood where I live.

Cars do not obey traffic lights, ignore traffic lights, and make right turns even at green lights, resulting in dangerous situations.
>>> Cars do not obey and mostly ignore traffic lights. They make right turns even at a green light, resulting in dangerous situations.

And people often jaywalk in places where there are no traffic lights and are surprised to run even when a car is approaching.

My husband also had an accident while driving with a person who was running at a place where there were many cars at a red light even though there was a traffic light.
>>> My husband also had an accident while driving to a person who was running at a place where there were many cars even though the traffic light was on a red light.
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