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서비스 입니다.

What are the benefits of having just a few close friends? How about the benefits of having many frie

작성자: 신*섭
2023-04-11 1423

회원님의 영작문

Well, chatting to briefly about first question. It feels like comfortable with someone when I just get together. You know. as I'm getting older, it's hard to find someone who would make me comfortable. And I can go to meet with the one whenever I want to. On the other hand about second question, I have cards to meet with any one whether you like one or not. But, you can get a perspective for people by doing that. :)

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Fantastic Tuesday to you, Elic! Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Don’t limit yourself, success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out. Keep up the good work.

Well, chatting to briefly about first question.
>>> Well, to tell you more about your question.

 It feels like comfortable with someone when I just get together.
>>> I feel really comfortable with someone I get along well with.

You know. as I'm getting older, it's hard to find someone who would make me comfortable.
>>> You know. As I'm getting older, it's hard to find someone who would make me comfortable.

And I can go to meet with the one whenever I want to
>>> I can also meet whoever I want to.

On the other hand about second question, I have cards to meet with any one whether you like one or not.
>>> On the other hand, about your second question, I have cards to meet with anyone, whether you like one or not.

But, you can get a perspective for people by doing that. 
>>> But, you can get a perspective on people by doing that.
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