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작성자: 권*희
2023-03-29 1090

회원님의 영작문

I am not sure if "hoesik" is helpful in the promotion.

Because normally it is common the boss evaluate subordinates in organization every year.

If some boss prefers "hoesik", subordinates should go there.

Even they don't want to go there.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, Ms. Lily!
Thank you for this. I guess it's natural for workers to participate in company activities. But if this will be the basis of the boss to promote or not promote a certain worker, then this is biased. However, we also can not blame the "boss" here because they do not want to work with people who do not cooperate at all.
Have a good day!

I am not sure if "hoesik" is helpful in the promotion.

Because normally it is common the boss evaluate subordinates in organization every year.
>>> Because normally it is common for the boss to evaluate subordinates in the organization every year.

If some boss prefers "hoesik", subordinates should go there.

Even they don't want to go there.
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