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I asked my mother for advice

작성자: 윤*혜
2023-03-01 1155

회원님의 영작문

I asked my mom for advice a difficult decision because she'll make me some relex.
I think she's like my bestfriend, 1st adviser, and best of the best mother
she talk me a comfortably, and i same talked to her

my mother's idea is very genius and funny, and i love it
i trust her when she'll not betray to me, and i belive her's on my side forever

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi Da Hye,

Thank you for answering your homework. The special bond between a mother and a daughter is one of the strongest and most genuine bonds anyone can have in their lifetime. You are lucky because your mother is loving and comforting. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a mother’s love in their lives for a variety of reasons. Those who are still with their mother should learn to love and respect her.

~Teacher Cathy


I asked my mom for advice a difficult decision because she'll make me some relex.

>>I asked my mom for advice on a difficult decision because she'll make me relax.

I think she's like my bestfriend, 1st adviser, and best of the best mother

>>I think she's like my best friend, first adviser, and best of the best mother.

she talk me a comfortably, and i same talked to her

>>She talks to me comfortably, and I speak to her too.

my mother's idea is very genius and funny, and i love it

>>My mother's idea is genius and funny, and I love it.

i trust her when she'll not betray to me, and i belive her's on my side forever

>>I trust her that she won't betray me and that she's on my side forever.

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