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영작교정 게시판

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또는 강사님이 내주시는 과제를 회원님께서 영어로 작성해주시면,
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서비스 입니다.

12/12 homework

작성자: 윤*현
2022-12-12 1150

회원님의 영작문

Throat discomfort and burning sense of tongue are one of the most common chief complaints among the patients who visit my clinic.
Some patients have already visited other clinics and heard that they have no problem, but they come to my clinic to gain second opinion.
I basically do physical examination and laryngoscopic exam.
If patients want to another additional examination, I prescribe CT or sonography.
However, in most of the cases, their diagnosis doesn’t change.
I think they want to receive confirmation from specialists of university hospital.
So, I give my patients a pep talk to relax from worries about their health.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi there, Dr. Stella!

Some patients want to make sure that the first diagnosis is correct. After all, isn't it good to know that you are not really sick and you have been checked by an expert? I think that you are one very good doctor so, patients come to you for a second opinion all the time,

Well, blow are some of the grammar suggestions I made here on your homework. Here, your exposition are long and  very meaningful. There are a few word insertions to make your sentence even better, read them well.

See you again tomorrow then!

-T. Donna~

Throat discomfort and burning sense of tongue are one of the most common chief complaints among the patients who visit my clinic.
>> Throat discomfort and burning sense of tongue are some of the most common chief complaints among the patients who visit my clinic.

Some patients have already visited other clinics and heard that they have no problem, but they come to my clinic to gain second opinion.
>> Some patients have already visited other clinics and heard that they have no problem, but they come to my clinic to gain a second opinion.

I basically do physical examination and laryngoscopic exam.

If patients want to another additional examination, I prescribe CT or sonography.
>> If patients want another additional examination, I prescribe CT or sonography.

However, in most of the cases, their diagnosis doesn’t change.
>> Correct!

I think they want to receive confirmation from specialists of university hospital.
>> I think they want to receive a confirmation from specialists of a university hospital.

So, I give my patients a pep talk to relax from worries about their health.
>> So, I give my patients a pep talk to relax them from worries about their health.
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