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The World Cup Final is always among the most watched television events in the world. Does this kind

작성자: 양*은
2022-12-12 1415

회원님의 영작문

Actually I haven't realized to feel a sense of a global community yet.
But through this question, I get to know that I'm belonging to a global society by watching the world cup.
And I thought that the world-cup is not the championship to looking for the best nation of soccer but the oppotunity to union the world.
Just 32 nations could have taken part in this championship.
But from next world-cup, much more nations can participate it.
And it would be a good chance to other countries that haven't participated yet.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi, Ian!
Thank you for doing your homework. I really hope that more countries can participate in the upcoming world cup so that it can also promote sportsmanship and also unity within countries. 
- T. Caitlyn
Actually I haven't realized to feel a sense of a global community yet.
>> Actually, I haven't felt a sense of global community yet.
But through this question, I get to know that I'm belonging to a global society by watching the world cup.
And I thought that the world-cup is not the championship to looking for the best nation of soccer but the oppotunity to union the world.
>> And I also realized that the world-cup is not a championship game that's looking for the best nation in playing soccer but an opportunity to unite the world.
Just 32 nations could have taken part in this championship.
>> Just 32 nations were able to take part in this championship.
But from next world-cup, much more nations can participate it. 
And it would be a good chance to other countries that haven't participated yet.
>> But starting from the next world cup, more nations can already participate in it and it will be a good chance for other countries that haven't participated yet.

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