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writing about punishment

작성자: 김*식
2022-11-28 1478

회원님의 영작문

What kind of punishment have you received at school or home?
I have worst experience about punishment at middle school. It's not physical punishment, that was a mental punishment.
When I was a middle school student, my teacher was Christian who had his own office to spread the word of Jesus.
So, whenever we had a class, he didn't teach us and just shown videos about Jerusalem or made a speech why we believe Jesus Christ.
After school, He still not sent us home. We had to listen his speech for a long time.
At that time, we were so young and couldn't realize if it's right or wrong.

Do you believe in physical punishment? Explain.
I believe sometimes physical punishment is needed and effecive.
First of all, I agree that punishment should be educational and teach the student about what they did, why it's wrong.
But, during the time that they awaked, other students may be harmed again.
So, physical punishment is needed as a way to deter them.

강사님의 첨삭교정 내용

Hi Harry!
I like how specific you are.
Details are always appreciated.
The composition was both full and substantial.^^
~~ Teacher Sharon
I have worst experience about punishment at middle school. 
>> I have the worst experience about punishment in middle school. 
It's not physical punishment, that was a mental punishment.
>> It's not physical punishment, but a mental one.
When I was a middle school student, my teacher was Christian who had his own office to spread the word of Jesus.
>> When I was a middle school student, my teacher was a Christian who had his own office where he spread the word of Jesus.
So, whenever we had a class, he didn't teach us and just shown videos about Jerusalem or made a speech why we believe Jesus Christ.
>> So, whenever we had a class, he didn't teach us and just showed videos about Jerusalem or made a speech why we believe Jesus Christ.
After school, He still not sent us home. 
>> After school, he still didn't send us home. 
We had to listen his speech for a long time.
>> We had to listen to his speech for a long time.
At that time, we were so young and couldn't realize if it's right or wrong.
>> Correct
I believe sometimes physical punishment is needed and effecive.
>> I believe sometimes physical punishment is needed and effective.
First of all, I agree that punishment should be educational and teach the student about what they did, why it's wrong.
>> First of all, I agree that punishment should be educational and should teach the student about what they did wrong and why.
But, during the time that they awaked, other students may be harmed again.
>> However, by the time they realize their mistake, other students may be harmed again.
So, physical punishment is needed as a way to deter them.
>> Correct
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